66th Polish Crystallographic Meeting
Committee for Crystallography of the Polish Academy of Sciences
with participation of
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Polish Crystallographic Association
invites you to
66th Polish Crystallographic Meeting
June 25 - 27, 2025
Scientific Workshop of the Polish Crystallographic Association
and Session of the Young Crystallographers Section of PCrA
June 25, 2025
The Polish Crystallographic Meeting, Scientific Workshop and Session of the Young Crystallographers Sections of PCrA will be held at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Okólna 2 in Wrocław.
The Workshop "Exploring structural data using the Cambridge Structural Database: Hands-on Workshop" conducted by expert tutors from the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) will be held in English. More information at the link: CSD Workshop.
The Scientific Session of the Young Crystallographers Section of PCrA is a forum for exchanging experiences addressed primarily to students, PhD students and young doctors (maximum 5 years after defense).
The topics of the Meeting include basic and applied research on the ideal and real structure of crystals carried out with the use of X-ray radiation obtained both with traditional methods and in synchrotrons, research with the use of neutrons and electrons, problems of symmetry, phase transformations and crystal growth, new research and computational methods and all other aspects of crystallography. The conference is an annual meeting place and a forum for exchanging ideas of all Polish crystallographers.
During the inauguration of the 66th Polish Crystallography Meeting, the winners of the 6th National Crystallography Olympiad will be decorated: http://olimpiadakrystalograficzna.pl.